Chocolate Pastries recipe

Chocolate pastries are identical to the Eid cake but also a pastry that we often eat for snacks. It may only be encountered on certain days that are often made during Lebaran, Christmas, family events and some other important events. Having a sweet flavor makes chocolate cakes everyone liked.

Maybe the craftsmanship is quite old, but the chocolate cake recipe itself can be found easily. You can apply it by reading this article. So you can make chocolate cakes easily.

Ingredients to make pastries

  • 450 grams of wheat flour
  • 200 grams dark chocolate
  • 200 gram Margarine
  • 50 grams of cocoa powder
  • 3 eggs
  • 1/4 granulated sugar
  • Vanilla powder (to taste)
  • Salt (to taste)
  • Peanut (crushed)
  • 1 teaspoon backing powder

How to make chocolate pastries Brownies

  1. First you need to melt dark brown. 
  2. Then wait until cold blends margarine, vanilla powder and salt. Then shake until fluffy.
  3. Shake the egg and sugar until fluffy. Then input backing powder and cocoa powder little by little.
  4. Then put the chocolate dough, then mix and stir until blended.
  5. Put on the printed pan (which has been spread margarine). 
  6. Sprinkle peanuts that have been crushed roughly.
  7. Then bake the brownies until half ripe with a temperature of 150 degrees.
  8. Then lift and cut to your liking.
  9. Bake brownies back until cooked for approximately 15 minutes.
  10. Lift the brownies then chill.
  11. After the Brownies cook, you can add his variation over the brownies.
  12. Brownie cakes ready to serve.

That's the tips to make pastry brownies easily and delicious. Hopefully become your reference and become a menu of Eid cake selection. Hopefully useful, do not forget this article shared ya. Thank you for visiting.


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