How to make a special dragon fruit juice

Red dragon fruit and its white color is one of the fruits that you can eat to be used for a healthy body. The benefits of dragon fruit itself, apparently, are able to lower cholesterol, diet, prevent diabetes and many others. For the dragon fruit itself we can make another alternative, which is made from juice.

For the dragon fruit itself we can make another alternative, which is made from juice.
For dragon fruit itself, we can make another alternative, which is made from the juice.

How to Make Fresh Dragon Fruit Juice Special

The recipe for making dragon fruit juice by itself is actually very easy to obtain, because you only need to prepare some of the tools and the main ingredient is fresh dragon fruit. For those of you who are looking for information about dragon fruit juice suitable once read this article. Here is some interesting information for all of you.

Recipe and how to make dragon fruit juice

  • Ingredients to Make Dragon Fruit Juice
  • 2 Fresh and ripe dragon fruits
  • 4 tablespoons granulated sugar
  • Sweetened condensed milk 250 ml
  • Ice cubes to taste
  • Ripe water


  • Blender
  • Medium Glass

How to make dragon fruit juice

  1. First of all, the dragon of applause. Take the meat portion with a spoon.
  2. Then insert the dragon fruit meat into the blender.
  3. Before you mix in the first input of ripe water, ice cubes, sugar and sweetened condensed milk.
  4. Wait until it becomes smooth.
  5. Dragon Fruit Juice is also ready to drink.
How to make dragon fruit juice mixed and tips to make dragon fruit juice higher, you can apply directly at home in order to drink dragon fruit juice with delicious, sweet and fresh. Hopefully it can help you who struggle in making dragon fruit juice. Do not forget to share the following interesting articles. Thanks for visiting.


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