How To Make Easy Chocolate Tea

How To Make Easy Chocolate Tea - Do you like chocolate? If you like with chocolate you must knowing if chocolate very good and delicious. Another to be food,chocolate can to be drink. Like chocolate hot,chocolate ice and etc. Genius Recipe in this article wanna share article about recipe chocolate tea for you. If you boring with chocolate you can remake chocolate with tea. You can try this step and read this recipe for you try at home.

How To Make Easy Chocolate Tea

Recipe Chocolate Tea

Before we immediately make it prepare in advance the ingredients needed to make a delicious chocolate tea drink, and the ingredients are :
  • Boiling Water 1 cup
  • Lipton Tea Caramel 2 tea bag
  • Hot Cocoa Mix 2 packs Instant
  • Ice Cubes 2 cups
  • Whipped cream to taste for topping

How To Make Chocolate Tea
  1. To soak Lipton Tea Caramel for approximately 2 minutes into boiling water, after that let stand until cold
  2. Blend the finished tea, hot cocoa mix, and ice cubes until smooth
  3. Serve after finishing in blender, then add Whipped cream to taste

This steps very simple for you try,so if you want make chocolate tea. You don't confused with recipe. Just following this steps and read recipe. You can make chocolate tea with easy and fast. Thanks you have visited this blog. Don't forget this article.


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